Friday, May 11, 2012

your life or your money?

This morning I was sent the link to a blog post titled "Your Life or your Money?" This is a question that perhaps, for many of us, floats around in our minds every now and then. For others, it's more of a daily challenge.

Last year, the cohort from my graduate school traveled to Costa Rica to visit an organization called ADE: Association for Development Through Education. At first glance, ADE is typical of many non-profit organizations working around the world. However, we quickly learned that ADE was, in fact, quite unique in its working model.  Here's an excerpt from this post that describes this uniqueness:
"For now the staff members of ADE have chosen to live with what is commonly referred to as a “common purse.” We follow this example, found in Acts, of sharing everything. Any money that is earned is put into a common account and each person’s, or family’s, needs are provided out of this common account or “purse.” None of the ADE staff receives a salary or regular support for the work that we do, rather we all work together on various projects (i.e. running a high school, teaching English and Spanish classes, hosting groups, hosting interns, creating websites, etc.). When income is received from any of these projects, it is shared with the whole group. Some of us share housing, we share two cars, various tools, and even meals at times." (from ADE)
If you got anything out of this description, it's that NONE OF THE ADE'S STAFF RECEIVES A SALARY. When I had first learned about this, I had thought to myself - now that's a crazy idea. But, as I continued thinking about this model, I realized that I thought it was crazy because we have been inculcated by our culture to believe that money provides security. While it does, of course, provide some semblance of security, it doesn't provide us everything. And, furthermore, we often learn much more about ourselves and the world when we don't have money than when we do.

Imagine a world in which everyone shares their posessions freely. Imagine a world where a person gives and chooses not to expect anything in return. Imagine a world where there is no need because those who have, give. Imagine a world where you are defined by who are are, not by what you have. Imagine a world where people genuinely care for others.

Many of us can't imagine this kind of world. Some of us can, but think it will never be possible. I know I struggle with the latter. However, if we try, just a little, to hope that this world can be better, and humanity can choose to be more selfless in this life, maybe it can change, even if its only one teeny-tiny step at a time.

So, which will you choose: Your life or your money?

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this post after a friend turned me on to the subject. As a part of, we try to live out this concept with the things we have, from books and movies, to cars, kitchen appliances and any other household goods. It's a growing movement, but one that the church, we believe, should be at the very front of.
