Monday, April 23, 2012

Happy Earth Day!

Yesterday, April 22, was Earth Day. For as long as I can remember, we’d always celebrate Earth Day at school with field day events – projects, games, prizes – all of that good stuff. Unfortunately, since leaving high school, I haven’t really “celebrated” Earth Day. So, I decided that yesterday was finally the day (and year) to pick up the tradition.

In February, Deke got this cool Urban Growing Kit in the mail from one of his really good friends (thanks Randy!). It’s pretty awesome, since it basically has everything anyone would need to start a little garden. While vegetables aren’t very expensive here in Rwanda, we figured it would be a nice project to do just for the fun of it. And, the way I see it, growing your own foodstuff always trumps spending money at the markets! Not long after the package arrived, we got to work. Although it took a little decision making to select the seeds we wanted to begin with (the kit came with 25 different varieties), everything after that was really simple.

Yesterday, in honor of Earth Day, we decided to plant a few more seeds to add to our little urban garden. Soon, we’ll be reaping the fruits of our labor. Yep, pun intended.

I highly recommend the Growing Kit. You really can’t go wrong with it! Here’s a photo recap of our planting process:
 Open up the Urban Growing Kit to find 25 different kinds of seeds!
Add water to the "expanding seed starting pellets."
Choose your seeds while you wait for the seed starters to expand.
Add a few seeds, make sure they're covered with dirt.
Put the seed starters in some kind of container (in our case, soda cans and water bottles) and water them.
Wait for the seeds to grow!

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