Friday, March 23, 2012

ignornace is bliss?

Generally speaking, most people have positive views on the world and humanity, unless something happens to turn that perspective around. Unfortunately, it doesn't always take something big to cause that change in mentality.

Two days ago, as I was leaving a tutoring session, I felt myself panicking as I realized I did not have my phone in its usual place of residence - my wallet. I figured I had left it at work, and so decided not to "freak out" until the next morning when I could search high and low for it. Well, as you can imagine, I arrived at work the next day and could not find my phone. I made the conclusion that someone must've taken it right off my desk where I had left it.

I shared this theory with my colleague, but she seemed to think that it had been stolen elsewhere (after all, only students come to the office and what student would steal my phone?). I decided to give our little GR family the benefit of the doubt, as I, too, did not want to think poorly of our students.

However, that same night, I went in search of a hard drive that I borrowed from my boyfriend, and could not find it in my room at home. Again, I told myself not to freak out, and that I would come to a conclusion as to whether it was gone after looking in and around the office at work. The next morning, I performed a thorough search of the office. No dice.

So, I can't say that I am mad or surprised that this happened. Living abroad for about 3 years is a long time not to have anything stolen. But, I have to say that I am disappointed in humanity. I am disappointed that even within our close circle of students and staff (and yes, it's possible that it was a complete stranger that just walked in), someone made this poor decision. I'm just very disappointed.

Oh well. I suppose this is humanity we're talking about, and there's not much else I can do but accept what's happened.

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